What should you know about the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program?

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live our lives, not to mention many people lost their jobs. On top of that, a lot of people are required to work from home. This can be a challenge, since not everyone is able to afford paying for an internet service because of not having a job or other dire circumstances. Which is where the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program comes into play. This is a program created by the FCC with the idea of helping people that struggle to pay for internet to still have access to these services.  

What does the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program consist of?

If you access the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, then you will receive a discount that goes up to $50 per month, and it will go towards affording internet services. In case you are eligible, you will also receive a $100 discount to buy a computer, tablet or laptop from one of the participating providers. You will need to contribute anywhere from $10 to $50 or more. The service is limited to a single device discount per household and a single monthly service discount.

How can you benefit from the EBB program?

In order to qualify for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, at least one of your family members need to do the following:

  • Meet the criteria required by a local provider and show that they can enter the Covid 19 program or the low-income program
  • You need to prove that you had a major income loss, showing that your total household income was under $990000 for singles and $198000 for couples.
  • Getting a Federal Pell Grant during the year.
  • Acquiring benefits from free/low price school lunch programs, like the USDA Community Eligibility Provision program.
  • Lifeline program qualification.

Signing up for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

If you qualify to the program, then you will need to go to the official FCC page and apply there. At the time of this writing, this program was authorized, but it’s not available. The FCC is hard at work to fully implement and start the program. We will update you with more information as quickly as possible.  

What broadband providers are offering the EBB program?

The FCC has opened this Emergency Broadband Benefit Program to every broadband provider. That means it’s not limited only to those that have Lifeline services. It’s beneficial for the providers because they will receive reimbursement from the program.


The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program stands out as a great way for the government to help people that really need internet services. Since the pandemic brought in a lot of financial issues to many US residents, it’s extremely important for such a service to exist and assist people as much as possible. It offers great opportunities and benefits, while eliminating many downsides and challenges. That’s one of the core advantages of the program, and the fact that it’s helping people that really need these services is very commendable!  

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